Birth doulas help families to prepare for birth, offer continuous support during labor, and brief postpartum care after just the birth of the baby.

Birth Doula Services

  • One free consultation (in-person via Zoom or over the phone)

  • Two prenatal home visits via Zoom to discuss birth wish list, childbirth preparation, comfort and relaxation techniques (additional prenatal visits at an hourly rate of $75)

  • Assistance with birth wish list and navigating options

  • On-call 24/7 starting at 38th week until the birth

  • Access to my lending library of books related to pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and newborn care

  • A  rebozo  training for you & your partner (if available and willing) on rebozo techniques for pregnancy/labor support and baby carrying

  • Continuous emotional and physical support during labor and up until you decide to go to the hospital.

  •  Massage, relaxation and breathing techniques during labor, as well as support and suggestions for partner.

  • Unlimited phone and email communication during pregnancy and first month postpartum

  • 2 postpartum visits via Zoom. In the first one I check in on your recovery, revisit your birth experience, and answer any questions you may have about baby (feeding, sleeping, baby wearing, and baby massage). I will also instruct you on how to apply the belly binding. For the second visit we discus any questions that have come up and I will provide pelvic floor instruction & breath awareness.

  • Ask about postpartum packages if you would like more support in the postpartum time.

Fee Sliding Scale - contact me for more info


Please fill out the form below so we can discuss you doula needs.