Doula & Yoga Packages
I specialize in prenatal and postnatal yoga for the mother alone, with baby or as a partner workshop, as well as complete Birth and Postpartum Doula services. You can read more about doulas here. As you prepare for all the changes that go along with becoming a parent for the first time or the fifth, allow me to help you and your partner through this often new, empowering and confusing time in both of your lives. Below are a couple of different Doula and Yoga packages that I offer.
Birth Planning Package - Are you unsure about having a doula at your birth but still want help with your birth planning? Let’s schedule three 60-90 minute Birth Planning Sessions to help get you where you want to be. In these sessions, we will:
Develop your Birth Plan
Practice breathing and birthing positions for labor
Show you rebozo techniques to help before and during labor as well as a few baby carrying options with the rebozo to use after the birth of your baby
Develop your Postpartum Plan
Review any questions you may have about the birthing process and what to expect
Fee $600
Postpartum Doula and Yoga Package - In this package I will help you and your partner navigate this new time in both of your lives, by providing support after you come home from the hospital, information and local resources as well as in home postnatal yoga.
3 Postpartum support meetings
Pelvic floor instruction
3 Postnatal Yoga classes
Unlimited email phone and text communication
Fee $600
Pre & Postnatal Yoga Package - In this package you and your partner will receive yoga before the birth to help you prepare mentally and physically. As well as after the birth of your baby to help relax, rejuvenate and reconnect with your partner.
3 Prenatal Yoga Classes
1 Private Partner Prenatal Yoga Workshop
3 Postnatal Yoga Classes
1 Postantal Workshop
Fee $650
Birth Doula Services & Yoga Class Package - What I offer with this package is in home personalized yoga for you and your partner before and after birth, as well as my Birth Doula Services.
3 Prenatal Yoga classes
1 Private Partner Prenatal Yoga Workshop
Birth Doula Services
3 Postnatal Yoga classes
Fee sliding scale
Birth & Postpartum Package - In this package you and your partner will receive my Birth and Postpartum Doula Services as well as a Partner Prenatal Workshop and Postnatal yoga for you and your baby.
1 Private Partner Prenatal Yoga Workshop
Birth Doula Services
3 Postpartum Meetings
3 Postnatal Yoga Classes
Fee sliding scale
Please fill out the form below so that we can discuss your yoga and/or doula needs and create a package that works for you.