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On this page you will find book recommendations, documents, links to informational websites and videos that will help you and your partner navigate through this new and sometimes confusing phase in both of your lives. I hope that the information provided will both help and empower you.
Birth Preferences: These documents are a way to communicate with your care providers about your goals and preferences but are not meant to be a replacement for open communication with members of your care team. Even if you're planning to birth at home or at a birthing center, it is a good idea to create a birth wish list document; it is always good to be prepared in the event of an unforeseen complication and transfer. It is important to use these as a guide knowing that what you want and what your options are might change.
Example Birth Preference Documents: Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Multiple Samples Planned Cesarean
Informed Consent: When presented with recommendations or suggestions for interventions by your care provider, use these questions to better understand and obtain information about the procedure and your options. Informed Consent
Understanding your coping style: Reflecting on how to cope with pain, anxiety, and stress in your life can be a helpful tool in identifying coping strategies that may be helpful during labor.Understanding Your Coping Style
Pain Scale:: Review this scale and its descriptions of a variety of different preferences and approaches to pain medications. Determine where you fall on this scale, and have your partner identify where he/she would like you to fall on this scale. Then discuss! This is something that we can also discuss further your prenatal visits. Pain Scale
Support Methods: This is list of common support methods that are often used in labor. This list may be a helpful way to generate self reflection and conversation about what methods of support you may find helpful in labor. Comfort in Labor
Birth Affirmations: Read through these positive affirmations. Do any in particular resonate with you or your partner? Affirmations are a powerful tool towards re-framing the "pain" of birth into something that is safe, meaningful, and positive. Positive Birth Affirmations
Positions in Labor: Here are a few examples of positions that can be helpful in labor and birth. Positions in Labor
Positions in Labor with an Epidural: Just because you have an epidural doesn't mean that you can't benefit from frequent position changes! Positions in Labor with an Epidural
Perineal Massage: this document explains how to and the benefits of perennial massage. Perineal Massage
Evidence Based Birth: This website is focused on birth and does a great job explaining the evidence for and against common interventions such as antibiotics in labor, induction, and newborn medications. Evidence Based Birth
Birthing Naturally: This website has some great tools for creating a birth plan, including multiple examples, as well as lots of tools that you and your partner can explore while preparing for childbirth. Birthing Naturally
Spinning Babies: This website has a wealth of information on how to get your baby into the optimal fetal position while pregnant with daily and weekly activities as well a things you can do in labor to helper baby into the correct position. Spinning Babies
Childbirth Connection: This is another website that does a great job at breaking down the most recent research for those who are interested in learning more about evidence-based care. Childbirth Connection
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: This website contains a variety of PDFs on pregnancy, birth, and postpartum related topics. It has comparison charts for things such as medications in labor, has birth plan crafting tools, and lots of tools for preparing for childbirth with your partner. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Lamaze: Check out their blog for some great articles on a variety of common questions and concerns, and their video section for some great evidence based information that's easy to understand. Lamaze
Kelly Mom: This website covers an extensive number of topics and provides clear, straightforward, and evidence-based information, along with links for those wanting to investigate a topic further. Kelly Mom
ICAN: This website has useful information for first time moms and moms attempting a VBAC. ICAN
Normal Fed: This is a great website that provides information about how babies eat, how to manage common breastfeeding issues, and how partners/other family members can bond with the baby outside of feeding. Normal Fed
La Leche League: In addition to their local meetings, la leche league has some great online resources covering a full spectrum of breastfeeding related topics. La Leche League
This web site has lots of information and a Q&A section. Breastfeeding Basics
The Partner's Role in Breastfeeding Support
Hear is a great website about local help with baby wearing. BWI
Another Website with toutorials on baby wearing. Babywearing 102
Postpartum Depression: This website offers support and has useful links. Postpartum Depression
This is also a helpful website to learn about postpartum depression and a place to get help. Postpartum Progress
Optimal Fetal Positioning: Learn about why the left occiput anterior position is the best position for birth. Spinning Babies
Induction: information on why or why not to induce. Evidence on inducing Labor - Giving Birth Naturally
Pain Management Options: (Overview) : including both pharmacologic and non pharmacologic approaches. Pain Management Options
VBAC: A great resource for women who are planning to have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)VBAC
Another good resource A midwives recommendation for a successful VBAC
Cesarean Birth: This document has some great suggestions for ways to approach and prepare for a planned cesarean. Cesarean Birth
New born test and procedures
Gate Control Theory of Pain Control
Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Medication Used in Preeclampsia
What is Preeclampsia
This is a short video showing how a partner can do Perineal Massage. Perineal Massage By Partner
And this is the how to for Self Perineal Massage. Self Perineal Massage
This animation does a great job demonstrating cervical change and baby's cardinal movements during vaginal delivery. Vaginal Childbirth Video
Here is another animation with with a description of each stage. Inside pregnancy
This is a beautiful video that shows how supportive and loving a partner can be during labor and birth, as well as showing a beautiful, natural, hospital delivery. Birth Video
Penny Simkin YouTube Channel: These are some great, short, videos, on a variety of topics, including epidurals (video 1 video 2) , delayed cord clamping, and coping in labor.
Here is a video with simple exercises that you can do to help get baby in the optimal position. 7 Easy Exercises
This is a video about How to use a yoga ball in birth
This is a great video showing how babies can self attach. Self Attachment Video
Here is a video that does a good job explaining epidurals and showing one mom's journey from getting her epidural through pushing, delivery, and postpartum. Birth with an Epidural
Here is a video with step by step explanation of how a C-Section is preformed there is animation but also live images of an actual C-Section. C-Section Video
Pregnancy & Infant Care
The Birth Partner By Penny Simkin
Ina Mays Guide To Childbirth By Ina May Gaskin
Pregnancy Child Birth and the Newborn By Penny Simkin, April Bolding, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham, Janet Whalley
Our Bodies, Ourselves Pregnancy and Birth By The Boston Women's Health Book Collective and Judy Norsigian
Birthing From Within By Pam England & Rob Horowitz
Childbirth Without Fear By Grantly Dick-Read
Spiritual Midwifery By Ina May Gaskin
Natural Childbirth After Cesarean: A Practical Guide By Karis Crawford & Johanne C. Walters
The Essential C-section Guide By Maureen Connolly & Dana Sullivan
Strategies for the C-section Mom: A complete Fitness Nutrition, and lifestyle Guide By Mary Beth Knight & James Rosenthal
Breastfeeding made simple Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers By Nancy Mohrbacher & Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding ByDiane Wiessinger & Diana West
The Nursing Mothers Companion ByKathleen Huggins